3 definitions by Brooke N. Rubbers

The time where children across the U.S wake up and want to fucking die from sleep exhaustion
Hey, it's 6AM time to die!
by Brooke N. Rubbers November 8, 2019
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A "Lunar kiss," is a sex move where an anus is stretched out and another person takes their anus and presses it to the stretched one and proceeds to take a shit into the stretched anus
I'm going to have you give me a Lunar kiss tonight my dude
by Brooke N. Rubbers February 3, 2020
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When you have an actually funny meme, but is destroyed by laughing Emojis or "This made me die of laughter," and finally a stupid meme format after the funny meme.
You are being charged with 2 accounts of comedy Homicide
by Brooke N. Rubbers November 8, 2019
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