2 definitions by Bro i just type

A man with a massive penis, he’s good looking, and pulls all of the girls. It’s almost impossible to get women off of this guys dick, its almost like they are attracted. Obese black marshmallows that think that they are good at foot ball and think that they are strong but are actually 60% body fat and suck at the sport tend to call this absolute fucking chad a walking- stick or toothpick while he had to get carried in football and now in basket ball by someone barely 5 feet tall.
“Omg is that a Kucera?”
“Yeah I would ride that guys dick all day.”
by Bro i just type December 19, 2021
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A good looking man with a massive penis, he will always make his lady have a great time in bed. Marley Garcias are always all over this man’s dick.
Damn is that a Kucera? Damn he’s hot
by Bro i just type December 18, 2021
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