3 definitions by Britt Sain

Truly the stars were in the proper alignment for this band. The combination of Robert Plant's amazing voice, Jimmy Page's stellar guitar riffs, John Paul Jones rock-solid bass, and John "Bonzo" Bonham's thunderous pounding on the drums.
They created metal, and gave us the most impressive albums of all time. With the possible exception of cuts from CODA, every Zeppelin song is good, and a whole lot are great. Some like Black Dog, and Stairway to Heaven are perfect, simply perfect in every way.
Led Zeppelin is the greatest band in the history of the universe.
by Britt Sain May 4, 2005
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The most amazing guitarist of this or any other generation. He was inventive, incredibly talented, and probably the coolest guy ever. Only Zeppelin can challenge him as a great rock act. His great riffs and lyrics brought rock into its age. He was at Monterey and Woodstock, where his perfromance of the Spar Spangled Banner made him a legend. Jimi Hendrix was more than a man, he was a god.
by Britt Sain May 4, 2005
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Tupac Shakur was a murdering drug dealer. Thats all he was. I'm glad he is dead.
2pac is a talentless hack.
by Britt Sain May 10, 2005
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