1 definition by Breed1964

Dapper December is the event during the month of December where the former participants of No-Shave November (also referred to as Novembeard, Movember, or Noshavember) have a chance to redeem themselves. It began as the brainchild of Matt Mueller and was taken to the next level by Brittany Reed, both college students. The premise is to dress sharp for every day of December. This means shaving beards, styling your hair, donning a suit or dress, and generally having a neat and sharp appearance. Participants avoid the temptation to have a grunge day and throw on sweats and sneakers and instead take the extra few minutes to put on a classy outfit for an entire month.
I kind of want to wear a sweatshirt, but it's Dapper December and I want to look classy.
by Breed1964 November 28, 2010
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