6 definitions by Braska Spira

An old school purist who favors medieval settings over futuristic settings, specifically for the Final Fantasy series.
I detest Final Fantasies past VI. The 3D graphics and futuristic settings sucque!
by Braska Spira July 31, 2003
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The discussion of the dark side of electronic games, specifically in terms of violence and/or occultism. Lygopechnidilogy is a topic of debate.

A reference to this topic in an article or book passage.
Some religious publications contain lygopechidilogy. The Awake magazine of December 22, 2002, and the book Learn from the Great Teacher contain lygopechnidilogy.
by Braska Spira August 1, 2003
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An old school gamer who detests new school games, or three-dimensional graphics, especially for the Final Fantasy series.

A new school basher.
Final Fantasy VIII and sucque because they are all about graphics.
by Braska Spira July 31, 2003
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The act or fact of a woman dying in childbirth, especially by pregnancy-related complications
Sierra Leone has the highest rate of maternal death, which is 1,800 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births. Afghanistan has the second highest rate of maternal death, which is 1,700 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births. The United States has a rate of 12 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births.
by Braska Spira September 24, 2003
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A person who is fascinated with death.
Thanatophiles like to see dead people. They like to see people die.
by Braska Spira August 1, 2003
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The act of killing one's own son or daughter.

A parent who has committed such a murder.
Marvin Gaye was a victim of filicide. Susan Smith committed total filicide in Union, South Carolina, in 1994.
by Braska Spira August 1, 2003
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