2 definitions by Brant Marshall's Girl

The most amazing friend alive, my biggest support and the best of friend I could ask for. He has been there for me when others arent. Truly a misjudged person and a misunderstood guy. He is super sweet and very very sexy. He is adorable and super smart and his nerdy side will draw you in and make you fall for him fast. The way he cuddles makes your heart race and he calms down with you more than anyone else. Super loyal and fun to toke with.
by Brant Marshall's Girl November 28, 2020
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He is the adhd crackhead best friend you cant live without. He is the one you can lean on and the one who never sleeps and always answers your calls. Dumb at times and super loud but doesnt mean to be. Super kind and must feed 100%.
by Brant Marshall's Girl November 28, 2020
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