2 definitions by Bpepps

Fruit bat: noun:

1. A bat that hangs in trees, making it look like a piece of fruit. This works as camouflage to protect against potential predators.

2. A crazy person who has eaten so much fruit, they now look like a plump juicy piece of fruit, and have an odd urge to take a nibble.

A: Look at the fruit tree!
B: No, that tree has been dead for awhile, those are definitely fruit bats.


A: I saw a rather plump man holding a peach and licking his fingers a bit too much.
B: Totally a fruit bat.
by Bpepps March 28, 2011
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1. A tasty treat

2. Covert euphemism used by underage kids for alcohol, especially after over-consumption leads to vomiting.
Person: Ooh, those Little Debbies look delicious!

Mother: Why did you puke everywhere?
Child: Ugh, I ate way too many Little Debbies last night...
by Bpepps July 8, 2011
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