2 definitions by Booty Buster 69

A book series and television series that only the sexiest people grew up with, the people who have grown up with this have infinite pussy.
Person 1: I read Geronimo stilton a lot as a kid
Person 2: *strips nude* were having sex right now
by Booty Buster 69 November 25, 2022
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This word has two definitions:

1: Some dumb 15-year-old honkey cracker boy who acts black and ghetto despite being from the suburbs and comes from a middle-class family. this individual will talk in slang but misuse it to the point where it's insanely cringey.
2: The n-word but with a "W"
1: Someone tell that dumb Wigga to fuck off
2: What good my wiggas
3: If that guy were white, I'd call him a wigga
by Booty Buster 69 November 22, 2022
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