25 definitions by Bogrimm

The Ewok word for vagina, or sometimes the clitoris.
Peter Griffin as Han Solo: Leia, you got a date for the "We Just Killed Thousands of People Dance" now. Pick you up at 7:00. And save Yub Nub for me. Come to think of it, you can shave your yub nub for me, too! I'll see you at 7:00.
by Bogrimm September 26, 2016
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A cross between a pug and a husky. You would think pugsky would be a better name for the hybrid until you saw a photo.
Dog-God punished the indiscretions of my handsome pug and my neighbor’s majestic husky by blessing them with a litter of Fugskys.
by Bogrimm September 26, 2018
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When you are dying of Covid, but you want to convince people that you are as healthy as you were 20 years ago.
President Trump was gasplighting the nation with his manly stamina and indomitable immune system via an onslaught of self-indulgent, faux-patriotic, poorly edited propaganda, but all anyone noticed was him struggling to breathe.
by Bogrimm October 6, 2020
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A real-life special attack achieved by reaching down the back of your pants as you fart to catch the gas in your hands, and then thrusting your palms forward, sending a surge of invisible destructive spirit energy flying towards your opponent.
I knocked my roommate unconscious by focusing my chi through my colon and into my cupped hands, and then into his face accompanied by a cry of "Hadookie!"
by Bogrimm June 4, 2017
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When you masturbate before your girl comes in so she can find your penis easier in the dark.
In an interview with "Lester Holt," President Trump proudly proclaimed that he invented the phrase stating, "Priming the pump is when I tug on myself for about half an hour before Melania comes in so she can find it easier."
by Bogrimm May 14, 2017
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In an employment agreement, this is the part of the legal document that denies you the opportunity to take your grievance to court, and instead forces you to agree to arbitration.
My employer fucked me over royally, but due to the Trump Clause in my employment agreement, I have to be sodomized by an arbitrator instead of taking them to court.
by Bogrimm October 25, 2017
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To hurt yourself through incompetence or clumsiness in a spectacular and humorous manner.
I stooged myself by jogging into a tree branch while playing with my iPod.
by Bogrimm May 26, 2017
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