1 definition by Bobx23456

The German National Socialist Labor Party (Nazis) was the first political triumph for female suffrage. FemiNazis are the leftist feminist supporters of all things fascist and anti-men. FemiNazi support female suffrage, government special protection of females at the expense of men, and a long list of special "rights" for females. There is little actual difference between "feminists" and feminazi. The mantra of 3rd wave feminists is "I'm not a feminist", but I support (all the feminist goals and dogma)."

You can tell a feminazi because she supports female suffrage, female management, female domination of families, female custody, rape-hate legislation, "DV" legislation, and other anti-men hate programs similar to the National Socialist Labor Party's "work camps" for Jews.
"I'm not a feminist, but I support equal right for women. Feminists and "feminazi" are not the same at all. Why do you hate women?"
by Bobx23456 May 12, 2009
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