4 definitions by BobbyWeir

Implementation of the Half-age-plus-seven-minus-ten-relationship rule after a marriage lasting more than 25 years ending in divorce.
Wow, I just met an awesome new girl. I think I need a Do Over after the last 27 years.
by BobbyWeir April 5, 2019
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Time for a Do Over, need to implement the HAPSMTRR and reboot my life since this new girl is so awesome.
by BobbyWeir April 5, 2019
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Half-age-plus-seven-minus-ten-relationship rule
I am going to have to implement the HAPSMTRR since this one is super smart and so hot - I don’t care what people think.
by BobbyWeir April 5, 2019
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Allegedly, the first meal of the day as spelled and pronounced by one who has only heard of it and rarely if ever has been awake and able to partake in it before it officially turns into lunch.
Did I miss breakfess again. What’s for lunch.
by BobbyWeir December 29, 2018
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