4 definitions by Blkprep

The act of having an extremely intense orgasm by watching favorite porn scenes while masturbating vigorously. Usually for up to an hour or more to build to eruption
1. I had a porngasm last night and knocked the laptop off the bed.
2.I watched that video of us and had a such a strong porngasm I swear I could taste you on my cum.
by Blkprep May 22, 2008
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When someone refuses to put any type of moisturizer on their feet and continue to take shoes off and rub their feet together leaving piles of dead skin known as sand castles. This foot dust gets cycled into the HVAC system causing a health risk. Not to mention what some would call a hostile work environment having to witness such poor personal hygiene.
No more Birkinstocks at work and shoes must be worn at all times. There have been several cases of Footfuckinatosis and we can't afford the absence of staff or the insurance costs.
by Blkprep August 5, 2018
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Girl in your close circle who only sleeps with guys others in the group have dated.
That's Becky. She has slept with all our ex-boyfriends. That’s we call her our

slut-sister, but we love her unconditionally.
by Blkprep August 19, 2021
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Child conceived by an unmarried woman having unplanned anal sex.
by Blkprep January 6, 2018
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