2 definitions by Blk Albedo Defines

Whitewashing is the alteration of a characters skin tone, from black/brown to white. This is also racist due to the harmful anti black history whitewashing black characters has. In America (euro-centric features were seen as a beauty standard that bpoc (black poc) couldn’t fit. Changing a black character to look white removes the little representation for black people while also conveying an anti black message.
Drawing a black/brown character with a lighter skintone is whitewashing art
by Blk Albedo Defines November 30, 2021
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Whitewashing is the alteration of a characters skin tone, from black/brown to white. This is also racist due to the harmful anti black history whitewashing black characters has. In America (euro-centric features were seen as a beauty standard that bpoc (black poc) couldn’t fit. Changing a black character to look white removes the little representation for black people while also conveying an anti black message.
__ drew a dark skin character as lightskin, so it’s whitewashing
by Blk Albedo Defines November 30, 2021
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