3 definitions by Blank⠀

Sauhard is an Indian name, meaning cordiality. Its a very rarely used name. Sauhard is also the real name of 'Blank', who is a gamer, discord user and a programmer. He has successfully taken down few discord servers and bots used for hacking!
**Sarby:** Hey, have you seen Blank?

**Moonlord:** Nai nai! I haven't see him recently, but I would like to see him.

**Tag: ** Anyone wanna play Roblox??

**Toshi:** BTW I know his real name is Sauhard!

**Kond:** He already told us about it before...

**Sarby:** Yea!

**Moonlord:** Yea!

**Loli:** Yea!

**Tag:** ...

**Satan:** ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

**Toshi:** **._.**
by Blank⠀ November 17, 2021
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A person who is born to drink, is living to drink and will die if he don't get to drink
**Person1:** Hey! Have you seen Kiluwlo?

**Person2:** Ye! He came online and sent *drinking* emoji.

**Kiluwlo:** *Eye Juu naut shend drinkheng imojish* (hickup\*)
by Blank⠀ November 17, 2021
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He is one of the admins of Phantom Guild (aka PHG) of Curse Of Aros (aka COA) game. He is the definition of evil!
*A random mother feeding her son*

**Son:** I don't wanna eat at all!

**Mommy:** Eat it or Moonlord will come.

*Son finished his food in a second*

**Mommy:** He must have already came 😏
by Blank⠀ November 15, 2021
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