5 definitions by Black Soul

Ontario's city of the north. one of the larger cities in the north of Ontario.

a place with many bums and hookers (especially downtown where everything is sketchy). many foreign people live here and to many people in the city like to double park. the city is filled with toxins and pollution in the air from the nickel factory we're oddly known for and we just got rid of our dumb by-law where no stores were ever open.
bob: wanna go to Sudbury next weekend?

joe: why? nothing there is ever open anyway.
by Black Soul January 4, 2015
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FFF is an acronym for "Fucked Face Friday". you can use this acronym as a hashtag on a friday if you post a picture of either yourself, a friend or a stranger making a fucked up face.
on Friday, Hannah posted a picture on instagram of Sammie with a dumb look on her face and used the hashtag #FFF
by Black Soul May 16, 2014
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the country where its always snowy and everyone rides their dogsleds around to work and school. a place where igloos have plumbing and electricity and everyone is always saying sorry for little things. a place where no one except for those who live in the country know the name of the political leader.

"true north strong and free"
how's it going eh? Canada's great eh. can i give you a lift on my dogsled? sorry i dont have any money to give you, but would you like some maple syrup?
by Black Soul January 4, 2015
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the most amazing thing you will ever come to know. It's a drug that's very addicting. anime is life.
... start a new anime or homework?? ..... start a new anime! * turns on laptop and goes to funimation website and chooses anime to watch*
by Black Soul January 4, 2015
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a place in Ontario Canada in the Niagara region where a bunch of old people, snobs and druggies live with few decent people
i cant wait to get outta Welland
by Black Soul January 4, 2015
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