23 definitions by Billy Beck O'Hannity

Gams; sexy or lovely long, slender female legs.
"The best part of an true bette is her smokin' hot stems."

"Dude, check out the Maria coming this way!! What epic stems!!"

"Sheryl Crow has the world's greatest pair of stems!"
by Billy Beck O'Hannity April 2, 2010
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Short for a 'fucking train wreck.' A disaster; a horrible mess; particularly something fowl and very unpleasant to sensory perception.
"Dude, clean your fridge out! Its disgusting. I can smell it from the street! Its a fricking freck."

"She is such a hottie, a total bette! Why is she going out with that loser? He's such a freck!"
by Billy Beck O'Hannity April 2, 2010
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Verb. To culminate sexual intercourse by a male by ejaculation internally in the receiving partner's mouth, then slapping the receiving partner's face before the penis becomes flaccid.
"Why are Cindy's cheeks all red?"
"Her b.f. likes to 'pop 'n flop'."
"Why are her cheeks still red?"
"He just popped in to pop 'n flop her 5 minutes ago!"

My bette let's me pop 'n flop so long as I don't Donkey Punch her.

"So janey likes the pop 'n flop?"
"She loves the 'pop,' I like the 'flop!'"
by Billy Beck O'Hannity March 31, 2010
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A dude; a gent; a cool guy who manages to keep coming back and attaining professional success in spite of numerous professional and personal failings causes by bad judgment and a complete lack of foresight.

A guy of wisdom, stamina, and good taste gained through numerous failures and comebacks.

v. To make come backs from numerous failures brought on by the exercise of poor judgment.
Guy 1: "Dude, your uncle Ray is amazing! He's been married and divorced 4 times, and now he's with that hot 26 year old bette. He has a master's degree in microbiology, but he works as a clerk at a gas station. Yet somehow he is pulling in $90 large a year and driving that sweet Audi. How does he do it, man?"
Guy 2: "He's a total Alec Baldwin!"

Patient: "Doc, what am I gonna do? In the last month I've lost my wife, my house, my job, and I've been to jail for insider trading!! My life is fucked!"
Psychiatrist: "What you're gonna do is stop whining, and pull an Alec Baldwin!"
by Billy Beck O'Hannity March 30, 2010
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Pornography; specifically, pornographic video images.
"Who is your favorite adult movie star?"

"Oh, man! I can't remember her name right off! She was in this hot new Fox News DVD I just rented last week!!"
by Billy Beck O'Hannity March 29, 2010
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A woman's vagina that is rancid, fowl-smelling and unpleasant in appearance due to being unkempt, unwashed, or diseased.

A vagina that is so disgusting that it is unpleasant to all sensory perception, making sexual desire impossible.

Never to be confused with a "muff tuft."
"I was all ready to get down with her and do my business, but once I got her panties off I immediately realized she had a tuff muff. It was horrible! It was all I could do just get out of there!"
"Good thing you weren't on home court!"
"No doubt!! I wouldn't have fucked her with a rented dick! There may have been some dingleberries involved, too! I'm not sure. She was a total freck south of the border."
"Too bad. So did you just go home and wank, or what?"
"Oh, the night wasn't a total loss. After she zipped up she offered to make it up to me by tossing my salad."
by Billy Beck O'Hannity April 2, 2010
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The achievement of any sex act that results in the female partner screaming or declaring, "Hey! That stings!"
"Hey Josh, did you nail that bette last night?"
"Not only! I also won the 'Battle of Hastings' when I slammed a dry citrus reamer up her ass!"
"Dude, that is powerful excellent to hear!!"
by Billy Beck O'Hannity March 31, 2010
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