3 definitions by Billboard Baggins

The opposite of a laxative. When you take a lanative, it causes constipation. This is mainly used if you have raging diarrhea, and want to defecate in moderation.
Alan: Hey bro, you okay?
Dave: Nah man, I'm shitting like a fuckin' rabbit!
Alan: Here bro, take a lanative.
Dave: Oh dude, that's just what I needed! Thanks!
Alan: No problem, man!
by Billboard Baggins February 21, 2015
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Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation that occurs while watching gay pornography or while participating in a homosexual act.
Kevin: Dude did you hear about Shawn?
Martin: No, was he doing some of that homoerotic asphyxiation shit again?
Kevin: Yeah dude he died cuz he couldn't breath during that orgy for people with weird fetishes.
Martin: Wow, that sucks.
by Billboard Baggins September 11, 2014
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verb: (fl-AEP)
To grab, twist and pull something, mainly used when grabbing another person's nose. You grab, twist, then pull their nose. Or, you flaped their nose.
Sharquisha: Hey dude, I'm going to flape you in the nose.
Friend: No! My nose is very sensitive to grabbing, twisting, then pulling.
by Billboard Baggins January 31, 2014
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