8 definitions by Bill Nada

The effect that conspiracy thinking makes a person more susceptible and readily accepting of other conspiracy theories.
Ever since Mike started believing that Q Anon nonsense, he started spewing other crap like 9/11 Truth. He really is a walking talking version of The Pringles Effect
by Bill Nada January 24, 2021
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The imaginary friends of people who don't want to recognize they are fringe crackpots.
Of course the Earth is flat, and the silent majority knows it's true!
by Bill Nada July 26, 2020
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Unnecessary and usually nonsensical interjections made by Trump supporters when confronted by evidence based and logical arguments.
Person 1: The President gassed what was almost entirely peaceful protestors for a photo-op. How can you support that?

Person 2: LOL! LIBTARD!!!!!

Person 1: That's you response!

Person 2: MAGA 2020!!!

Person 1: Man, that's one bad case of Trumparrhea
by Bill Nada June 21, 2020
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The defense mounted by Trump supporters to excuse the insanity of President Donald Trump by trying to equivocate it with someone else's behavior that is often not analogous.
"Did you hear Trump suggested injecting sanitizer to kill the coronavirus?

"Oh yeah?! Did you see Biden stammer a few words the other day? "

"That's one hell of a Trumpquivalency."
by Bill Nada April 24, 2020
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is a subconscious psychological defense mechanism used by Donald Trump and his supporters to avoid cognitive dissonance within themselves by mentally walling off the actions and statements of Donald Trump and/or the Trump administration to more easily criticize the actions of other politicians, political groups, etc which either also apply to the Trump administration, or implies the administration is incompetent.
My dad doesn't seem to want to realize that all the "power grabs" by the governors of NJ and NY are the very things that the Trump administration is advocating for. It really is a great example of Trumpmentalization.
by Bill Nada April 12, 2020
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A person who used to be known for skepticism, intellect, and/or general reasonableness, but subsequently has surrendered those qualities for irrational, blind, and apologetic defense of a clear charlatan; specifically Donald J. Trump.
What happened to Bob? He used to have such a hard line on people who make unproven claims, but not he's just a Trumpocrite.
by Bill Nada April 6, 2020
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(of a person) mentally mixed-up or confused due to regular exposure to, and the blind acceptance of, the largely incoherent and factually empty ramblings of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump or his close advisors (i.e.- Kelly Anne Conway) .
Have to seen Bob lately? His Trump-addled brain is really taking a toll on his family.
by Bill Nada April 5, 2020
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