13 definitions by Big Jack's Bollocks

Facebook night shift is what is completed when someone makes many posts during the nighttime
“OMG have you seen how many FB posts Natalie made after we went to bed?” , “Yes she’ appears to have chronicled our entire night out during her Facebook night shift
by Big Jack's Bollocks January 23, 2018
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The exposed part of a dog's penis when they get a hard on
It was really going well after my foxy neighbour came over for coffee, however it all went south after Tyson got excited and showed his boxer's lipstick.
by Big Jack's Bollocks May 16, 2017
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A Fake Summit is the phenomenon that occurs when you go hill walking for the first time, i.e. you think you’ve reached the top of a hill but when you get to where you think is the top of the hill you realise there’s more climbing to do. Fake Summits sap morale and make people grumpy.
“That new girl who cane hill walking is really high maintenance, she had a proper hissy fit halfway up Blister Hill” Yes she did, she cracked after experiencing her 3rd Fake Summit”
by Big Jack's Bollocks December 29, 2018
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A male who will attempt to seduce any adult woman he encounters.
Where I work there’s this guy who constantly hits on any female whose unfortunate enough to come into his line of sight, he’s known locally as the mingeweasal!
by Big Jack's Bollocks July 22, 2023
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We had a great party round at ours last week, unfortunately someone gave our lass's Bedlington terrier a bowl of Guinness and beef vindaloo the next morning the kitchen floor was covered in satan's dumplings
by Big Jack's Bollocks May 13, 2017
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Had the lads over last night, they fed the wife's bedlington terrier 3 bowls of vindaloo, woke up this morning and the kitchen floor is covered with satan's dumplings!
by Big Jack's Bollocks May 11, 2017
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