39 definitions by Biden is a dick

A poem.
Brooke Baldwin is so hot
That I wish to lick her twat
Oh it’s juicy flavor
Is a taste that I thoroughly savor
With each lick comes hints of peach
That cause my wiener to leach

Oh and how she sucks me off
Is only marred by when she has to cough

When she talks about the news she has a look so dumb
But it only makes me want to cum
Her tits so thick
Provide amusement for my dick
Her ass is truly a bubble
But fucking it gets me in trouble
Brooke Baldwin is so hot
That nothing can turn me off, not even her yellow snot.
I wrote this at halftime of the Creighton Zaga game so sorry for mistakes!!! Brooke Baldwin is hot and I am bored...
by Biden is a dick March 28, 2021
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American Football Quarterback who played at Nevada during his college years. He betrayed his team by skipping the Quicklane Bowl.
Carson Strong may be a traitor but he’s going to be a high draft pick
by Biden is a dick December 27, 2022
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Drinking alcoholic beverages the morning after a night of heavy drinking. This is supposed to help relieve the hangover but really has no positive effects.
Bro I was so pickled on those margaritas last night. I have to go hair of the dog.
by Biden is a dick April 20, 2021
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Used to be a very safe and reliable car. Then, Volvo Passenger Vehicles we’re split from Volvo Heavy Machinery, sold to Ford, and then Ford flipped them to the CCP. Now both Volvo PV and Volvo HM are total shit. Stay away from them!
I sadly have first hand experience with Volvo. Piece of SHIT!!!!
by Biden is a dick December 26, 2022
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Absolute fucking retard! These dickheads deserve castration for their crimes against humanity (ie retarded name definitions)! They have a tendency to think that ANY word, phrase, or acronym is a person’s name! Example “Gonad is the sweetest kindest man you’ll ever meet. He is not always a man however, sometimes he may be a freakish tranny. But he’ll always have the best laugh!” These people are brain dead imbeciles. A name does not determine your personality, douches!
Name definition writer is the most pathetic human you will ever meet. He is a total dumb ass. He resides in his parents basement until the age of 48. Run far, far away when you meet him!
by Biden is a dick January 11, 2023
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When someone down votes a post, comment, or definition (in the case of Urban Dictionary) regardless of the post and judging only by that person’s username.
Look at my username. Doesn’t it make you want to try username downvoting?
by Biden is a dick April 3, 2021
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