3 definitions by Bich Phuc Dat

A word used to describe a person (or anything else, really) which has little to no character.

While many disagree, some people say that Jim Gaffigan’s stand-up comedy is fairly milktoast.

Since she doesn’t want to offend anyone, she is sooooo milktoast.
by Bich Phuc Dat May 11, 2019
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The last kind of music that uses computers as only an assistant, not a spine. Also the last kind of music that incorporates meaning and depth into lyrics.
by Bich Phuc Dat April 28, 2017
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1. A word used in place of "nuclear" either to provoke a strong reaction from a Grammar Nazi or because the president... I mean, person, is just too damn stupid to pronounce two-syllable words correctly.
2. A word that should never, EVER be uttered by someone with >200 megatons of nuclear explosives ready to launch at the turn of a key.
Dumb-ass: Did you hear about the nucular bomb test?

Smart-ass: The hell did you just say?
by Bich Phuc Dat March 22, 2017
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