2 definitions by Bessiebee

Madeleine's are a very lovely, caring girls. they are very funny and can make your day even though your not feeling well! they are the best to be friends with and have great advice to give out. Madeleines are very beautiful and have a kind sharing heart! If you hurt her you will be in
bad luck! Madeleines are very shy and quiet

Madeleine is a beautiful person
by Bessiebee January 8, 2020
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Shes a very wonderful and beautiful girl! Has a lot of brothers and sisters!!! Laualis is amazing at English and writing! Laualis reads grown up books and doesn’t care what people think about her! She’s amazing in all ways! I love her so much as a bestie and will Always be her best friend! She has the best sense of humour and if you hurt her I will always be on her side!
by Bessiebee January 30, 2020
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