4 definitions by Benebrius

A dildo which provides zero enjoyment.
I need to get a man - this nildo aint worth shit.
by Benebrius April 13, 2010
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A term of endearment - usually given to a slow witted friend.
"what you up to buggalugs?"

"trying to scrape the remnants of this hot-dog out of my ear hole"

"hmmmm" (sips on a bottle of black aspirin)
by Benebrius April 13, 2010
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Commonly known as the "neck tie". The corporate leash is the symbol of a corporation's ownership over an individual.
Whoah....i see you're workin' for the man now Dave. You're even wearing a corporate leash!
by Benebrius March 14, 2010
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A pseudonym given to a certain dark, sugary soft drink that shall remain nameless. Believed to have an re-energising effect on those suffering symptoms of the night before.
Whoa man, i had a bender last night. My head is throbbing, can you duck down to the shops and fetch me a bottle of Black Aspirin? I'll pay you back - i swear!
by Benebrius April 10, 2010
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