3 definitions by Bean Bros fan

The last name of the person who is the smartest and wisest yet smallest. They are one of the funniest people who later end up becoming one of the tallest at full growth. They are not good to argue against for they get mad even though they are almost always right. It is mostly the name of a mexican person who is not very good at any sports when short that need height.
Dang he is smart and funny, must be an Orozco
by Bean Bros fan February 16, 2020
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A boyband of hot singles named Pinto, Green Bean, and Beanstalk. Pinto plays the kazoo and does the vocals while Green Bean plays piano. Beanstalk is the guitarist of the group and the second hottest.
by Bean Bros fan February 15, 2020
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A very hot boyband of hot singles.Pinto is Philip, green bean is Ben, and beanstalk is Josiah.They are all good looking but green bean happens to be the least
by Bean Bros fan February 15, 2020
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