3 definitions by Baud

When a man is taking a shit and another man needs to piss so badly that he cannot wait. So, the second man pisses through the small opening between the front of the first's crotch and the front lip of the toilet.
Dude! Jones and Scott are so gay! I just came back from the restroom. Jones is in there washing the log on Scott! Why didn't he just hold it!
by Baud May 18, 2013
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Homosexual slang used to inform others that they want to suck a dick.
The homosexual said dagger to let other people know that he wanted to suck a dick
by Baud July 17, 2022
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Someone who tried to say forfeit may have said this by mistake.
So you’re gonna forfain?… I mean Forfeit
by Baud October 25, 2022
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