78 definitions by Batman

a device meant to hold in the massive moobs of an overweight man so he doesn't seem so fat. This product also has other names such as the Stevie-Wonder Bra
Rothman has such big man titties he needs a manseir
by Batman March 4, 2003
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They were about to bonkle the bearded lady
by Batman July 22, 2004
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The position one is found in after suffering a fatality incured by finally reaching.
Dude, my aunt found my cousin lips on balls no sheezy.
by Batman December 13, 2002
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Confirming that a factual chunk of information is undeniably, and indisputably true.
Did your dog pee on my lawn Joe? Absofuckinlutley!
by Batman November 10, 2001
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Apple (as opposed to boysenberry)
Mom: What flavors of jelly?
Jacob: Spossle and boysenberry.
Mom: What was the first one?
Jacob: Apple.
by Batman July 1, 2004
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Dan: shut up matt
Matt: your such a foog
by Batman March 6, 2004
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