2 definitions by Basskadet

Cockney rhyming slang for "Trouble" - Barny Rubble = Trouble. However, its usually used to denote trouble/bother in more general terms, such as an argument or a fight.
He insulted my Missus and so we got into a right Barny.
by Basskadet June 22, 2019
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Essentially means being wise to something, “in the know”, and generally understanding how things work. To “know the koo” is the same as to “know the score” in a situation. You can use it as “knowing the koo” or as being “koo’d up”. So, in London you might hear something like:
“You shouldn’t say stuff like that around here! You need to be more kood up!”

“Just follow him, he knows the koo.”
by Basskadet June 2, 2019
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