137 definitions by Baron Neville


a Social Republic, or Social Republicanism, is neither like that of leftist-socialist Republics which are by essence centralised economic statist entities nor are they like that of civic or civil Republics which are political associations, which exert their will over the social group, by pre-imposed state sanctioned Legislation's or more poignantly, state imposed ( Bureaucracies ). But rather a Social Republic is purely a Social idealogical construct, comprised exclusively of a set of idealistic social moral and ethical laws and norms which at its centre lies not the voiceless and identity-less social collective. But rather, the social cooperative independent individual.
etopian reactionary socialism is a social republic.
by Baron Neville July 3, 2017
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Social Capitalism makes reference to a highly collective, planed and centralised economical system whereby although contrast to Socialist economies..The ownership of private wealth and property are not prohibited....The value and worth however of ones labor, produce and property are determined not by the laborer owner of a property Commercial or noncommercial and the producer of goods..But rather these are entirely subject to regulative, predetermined and pre established values, Worth and measures sanctioned or approved by a highly centralised state authority. Social Capitalism, is effectively the middle stage of the transitional process when a Laissez-faire free market economy is transformed in to a Capitalist or Corporate economy.
Social Capitalism, reflects upon the transition of Americas early Laissez-faire free market economy in to a highly centralised planed economy, subject to the regulative and control of a centeralised and powerful state authority.
by Baron Neville November 10, 2015
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Refers to Crud oil.
The greed for the procuring of Satans blood , is the single leading factor in the conflicts and wars in the world.
by Baron Neville February 3, 2017
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is the instigating within the social group of a society disunity and division on all issues such as race, gender, politics, religion and s3xual orientation.
the destabilizing of American society by instilling racial hate and conflict between the Black and White communities is a marxian-norm.
by Baron Neville June 1, 2017
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Sheep Syndrome, refers to the oblivious and ignorant mind set of either and individual or a populace with in a society, where people support a movement or ideology which is potentially dangerous and harmful not only to the well being and safety of them selves and their families, but also to their country and community. Very much like that of a sheep when being marched to the slaughter house, it is totally unaware of the danger looming over its head. Sheep syndrome can be the peoples adherence to either radical extremist religious or political ideology.
Religious - Sheep Syndrome, was the cause for the Jonestown Cult Massacre ( Mass suicide ) on November 18, 1978

Political - Sheep Syndrome, was the cause for the German people electing Adolf Hitler as German chancellor on January 1933
by Baron Neville August 3, 2014
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is a term that which refers to all species which are members of natural society or the natural order of things (nature natural realm).
all species of man, mammal, and animal etc. are natural citizens of natural society.
by Baron Neville June 19, 2017
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A set of ethics, values and principles which are by essence highly controversial, irrational and radical by nature.
ethilogical can best be summarized by defining the extreme and radical principles and values upheld and adhered to by all terrorist and criminal groups and individuals.
by Baron Neville May 12, 2016
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