1 definition by BarnabusWh

John Key is the leader of the New Zealand National Party, currently the party in opposition. Currently despite being inexperienced, and despite allegations of misleading the public over the true policies that the National Party would implement once in government (such as privatisation and the cutting of social spending) he is enjoying some popularity within the New Zealand public. Thus, his name lends to the unfortunate situation where a person can convince a large amount of people (in some cases, nation-states) that they are an 'all right guy' and are 'sympathetic to ordinary people' despite evidence to the contrary (in terms of their hidden policies) that would suggest that they are putting on a facade.
Person A: Where did all this terrible policy come from! Why has unemployment gone up? I thought (insert politican's name here) was a nice guy!

Person B: Oh dear, you fell for the classic John Key trick!
by BarnabusWh June 19, 2007
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