2 definitions by Badassmotherfuckaniggatitsjew

Goon Squad is a gang located in northern Utah established in 2008. The gang has a reputation for being extremely violent and badass. To become a goon you have to be from the PV, NO, or OV hood. Its also a rule to say deuces before you leave somewhere. Goon Squad has a few rivalries including "The Kings" and "Jeanie".
If you mess with the Goon Squad, your shit will be dropped, end of story.
by Badassmotherfuckaniggatitsjew January 10, 2010
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A member of the gang, "Goon Squad", located in northern Utah. Goons are known for their violence and badass ways. Only way to become a goon is if your from the PV, NO, or OV hood.
If you mess with a goon, your shit will be dropped, no questions asked, end of story.
by Badassmotherfuckaniggatitsjew January 10, 2010
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