2 definitions by Bañaña

Shannons who are guys are often chill and laidback. Usually they're sporty and fast, tall, and possibly Irish, as the name is Irish. A key trait is they can't hold a grudge for long, and forgives quickly.
Person: Sup Shannon (guy)!
Person: Shannon (guy) is low key f boy, high key player
Person 2: 100%
by Bañaña February 13, 2018
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Shannon is a GUY. He usually has blonde mop hair. He is very irish like his name. He is easily distracted and is very crazy. He is little and precious and a bit of a princess at times. He makes very funny faces and ruins photos. He is somewhat good at sport but he isn’t the biggest player on the team. He likes dogs (who doesn’t) and carrots. He is a bit of a wimp and is scared of silly things like bugs, spiders and the dark. But he is nice...


sometimes he’s really annoying and you want to slap the silly out of him.
Shut up shannon

What u mean shannon u make no sense

Shannon get back her u need to vacuum your room! (He is bad at chores)
by Bañaña December 23, 2017
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