2 definitions by B_dub3

If someone questions your methods after a blunder (especially one of your own making), simply deny any blame and instead send them a topical Wikipedia article without explanation and refuse to reconsider your actions.

Made famous by dir Patty Jenkins who after being ask by studio executives to rewrite her script for Wonder Woman 3, refused and instead sent them a link to the Wonder Woman Wikipedia page.
My mechanic asked me why I'd put gasoline in my Tesla, so I decided to Pull a Jenkins and sent him the Wikipedia on gasoline generating electricity.
by B_dub3 December 9, 2022
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Someone who, after repeated failures, continues to be bold, admits no fault, and refuses change their ways.

Made famous by dir Patty Jenkins doubling down, refusing to change her Wonder Woman 3 script after WW84 was poorly received.

Essentially the opposite of a Leeroy Jenkins.
"Stop trying to open that can of beans with your hands, use a can opener, don't be a Patty Jenkins."
by B_dub3 December 9, 2022
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