2 definitions by BQB

the amorous and extravagant textual activity that goes on between two separated lovers of different nationalities
he said: "The way i feel about u.... Omg my Bess. If i fuck u now u ll need a doctor...I love you bitch"

I said: "......fucksticks Christos I lust you. Actually I fucking love you. Fuck off"

and so on and so on for hours, days, weeks, culminating in a mobile that can no longer hold a charge for longer than a few hours and a very rich telecom company... "my god, this is crazy I think this must be a textravaganza"

by BQB August 10, 2008
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the art of making up limericks.
There was a young man from Thessaloniki,
Who made Bess act a bit sneaky,
And while he bombarded her with text,
She thought 'whatever next!',
So he banged her for being so cheeky!

"oh dear, I fear I may be enjoying this limerickardery a bit too much!"
by BQB August 10, 2008
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