3 definitions by BAMako

A secretary who sleeps their way to a promotion.
When promotion is given this secretary discovers that they are way over their head. They then find the highest ranking subordinate and lures them in with the promise of false love,(no matter if the subordinate has a spouse or not) and pop tarts and famous Amos chocolate chip cookies. The Subordinate likes to tell the DDP that she is the greatest supervisor ever.
Look at that Deputy Dime Piece make the stupidest decisions ever.
by BAMako May 8, 2021
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The art of stalking a fellow co worker outside of a bathroom door listening to the worker dedicate, then blame the worker of having a cell phone on him.
Someone might be on a cell phone-Hope he is using Moorizon wireless.
by BAMako May 8, 2021
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A person who is a dufus but also delicious.
A person who is a dufus but also delicious. That guy we met isn't the smartest, but he sure is duflicious! I'd sleep with him in a heartbeat but hope he doesn't speak. He is a dufus and delicious.
To be deliciously not bright.
by BAMako May 28, 2015
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