1 definition by AxBippy

a noun that means anything Asian. plural: chingers
- person A: “yo, have you heard of that new restaurant that just opened up? i think it’s called Rice King! we should go!”
-person B: “oh, Rice Chingers? i’ve been there before but they’re good as fuck, let’s go!”

- guy 1: “what’s up, guy?”
- guy 2: “oh, hey man. just trying to figure out what car to buy. i think i might go for this ‘01 Nissan Sentra this dude is selling for really cheap.”
- guy 1: “a chinger car? i don’t think we can be friends anymore.”

- Isabelle: “Nicole, have you seen the new exchange student? he’s so cute! and he’s really smart! maybe he can be my tutor!
- Nicole: “he’s all yours, Isi. i’m not a big fan of chingers.”
by AxBippy March 27, 2020
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