7 definitions by Avano

A ship of Betty and Jughead from the popular TV show Riverdale
I totally ship Bughead
by Avano November 24, 2018
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Anna is a fun-loving girl that is super pretty and can make you smile. She has dirty blond hair and sparkly pretty blue eyes that light up a room. She can easily make people laugh, and always has a secret crush!
Anna has great blue eyes!
by Avano November 24, 2018
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A lovable person with dark brown hair and the cutest puppy dog eyes. Her eyes a very sparkly and will easily get men to come right to her, she can easily make someone laugh or smile. Drean is a very strong girl who shares a deep secret. But she does not know her deep secret yet. Drean is a great friend and will make you laugh. Get a Drean but not mine.
Guy #1: that girl was so funny and her eyes were so pretty
Guy #2: looks like you have got yourself a Drean
by Avano November 24, 2018
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Evelyn is a girl that can make a persons day just by smiling. Her electric smile can light up a room. Evelyn is a very funny girl with a inspiration to travel around the worls. She is a great adventurer and is super smart. Evelyn can be a shy girl at first but once you get to know her she is a real flirter.
Evelyn is a super funny and great girl I loved her as soon as she smiled at me
by Avano November 25, 2018
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Makayle is a wonderful person who has hone through many tough times. She has a great laugh that makes everyone around her feel joy. She has good and bad days but manages through. She will grow up to have a husband and 3 beautiful children. She is a family oriented person but very, very OCD. She will has no brothers but sisters. Makayle is a really good flirter and gets guys easily. You will want a Makayle to be your best friend!
Guy #1: I met this Amazing girl that is a real good flirter and has a great laugh
Guy #2: is her name Makayle?
Guy #1: how did you know!!?
by Avano November 24, 2018
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A very OCD person that is secure about her body is a Monica. She is very beautiful but she thinks that she is fat but is naturally very skinny. She is naturally a very strong dancer. You will always want a Monica in your life!
Girl #1: Where is Monica?
Girl #2: probably at the gym
by Avano November 24, 2018
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Paige is a very pretty girl, but can be very stubborn. She loves her career and has fun every day at work. She is a fun-loving person. Will most likely be single and be a cat lady. But she was very popular growing up! She most likely has an amazing little sister with a big age difference. She gets jealous easily but is very beautiful and one of the best friends you will ever have.
Girl: your beautiful

Paige: Shut up Im going to die alone
Girl: well your good at your job
Paige: yes I love it so much
by Avano November 24, 2018
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