32 definitions by Aunt Tifa Lockhart

The reason no conservative should ever be taken seriously ever again.
"We just have different opinions about how to address the pro--"
"Donald Trump, now fuck off"
by Aunt Tifa Lockhart November 22, 2020
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A member of the group of Democrats who are most owned by corporate America and consequently least responsive to the will of the people.
The Blue Dog Democrats killed another widely popular policy proposal
by Aunt Tifa Lockhart September 4, 2023
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An Orwellian buzzword for watered down Nazism.
At a recent values voter summit, exposed publisher of watered-down Nazi ideology Steve Bannon claimed to support Judeo-Christian values.
by Aunt Tifa Lockhart October 18, 2017
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A general-purpose word for placing one's scumbaggery beyond criticism.
"I think we should just blow the whole Middle East up with nukes and build a theme park in place of Israel/Palestine."

"Wow, you're a total piece of shit."

"Oh, so just because I'm a conservative you're calling me a piece of shit? Learn to be tolerate other political ideologies you liberal fascist."
by Aunt Tifa Lockhart April 4, 2018
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The fabled year when Jews are going to abandon the Democratic Party for the Republican Party.

Like the year of the Linux desktop, it never comes, but belief in its imminence is enough to satisfy cultists.
2004: the year of the Jewish Republican

2008: the year of the Jewish Republican

2012: the year of the Jewish Republican

2016: the year of the Jewish Republican

2020: the year of the Jewish Republican

2024: the year of the Jewish Republican
by Aunt Tifa Lockhart November 16, 2020
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A fallacy of the form: Conspiracies happen, therefore the conspiracy I believe in is happening.
"An elite globalist cult of Democrats and Hollywood stars is eating babies and harvesting their adrenochrome and the only person who can stop them is Donald Trump"

"Don't you think that's a bit tinfoilhatty"

"Actually conspiracies happen! Like for example the NSA's wiretapping program."

"That's the conspiracy fallacy. Don't you think that QAnon bullshit is just a bit too bizarre?"

"Whatever, sheeple."
by Aunt Tifa Lockhart October 31, 2020
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