2 definitions by AshtonTheTrashCan

That one person who can be a mild kleptomaniac or intense pyromaniac at times. They are often smart, but fairly forgetful. Almost all Riece's I have seen/ met have some form of Dissociative identity disorder (DID), Bipolar Disorder, or they are Agorophobic.

They often hide their true emotions about people. And may dress in different styles depending on their alter.
Jake: Hey did you see the new kid?
Kyle: Yeah looks like a Riece.

Jake: They looked like an emo yesterday and wouldn't stop talking about fire.

Kyle: Yeah, well today they looked like an anime charecter and couldn't remember anything about yesterday!
by AshtonTheTrashCan November 18, 2021
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Someone who cannot always help stealing, nordo they always need to.
Brandon: Because they are a Kleptomaniac they may get feelings of joy from stealing that they cannot get from other ways.

Parker: Okay so? I don't want all my stuff stolen.
by AshtonTheTrashCan November 16, 2021
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