2 definitions by Artnoiseng

Artesnation, pl. Artesnations

Pronounced Artsy-nation

Artesnation is a vacation to a destination purely for the purpose of arts enjoyment. An artesnation could include traveling to a destination primarily for an arts fair and taking in the destination sites as well or traveling to a destination to enjoy the cultural art forms of locals. Artesnations are supposed to be about traveling, exploring and creativity.
I have a 1 week artesnation with my best friends for ArtXLagos fair by the end of this year!
by Artnoiseng April 30, 2021
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Artestinations (pl.)

Artsy-tination (pronounced)

An Artestination is an arts filled vacation taken with the primary purpose of enjoying arts and cultures of a destination.

You can travel to a destination with the primary purpose of attending an arts exhibition OR arts fair in particular or just to have general enjoyment of arts and cultural scene during a vacation.
I have planned a 1 week Artestination with my besties to Lagos during ArtXLagos fair! We plan to hit up as many art galleries and sight see as well!
by Artnoiseng April 30, 2021
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