3 definitions by Arkami

Someone who is into fashion and dresses aesthetically.

Term originates from Romanian artists ilyydavid and Arkami's song with the same name, which you can find on soundcloud.
Person A: "Did you see how he dresses? I love it so much!"
Person B:"Yeah, he's a real Fendi Boy."
by Arkami April 12, 2023
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Domas: "Did you go to that party?"
Abel:"Yeah, it was pula rau."
by Arkami September 19, 2022
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Producer Collective known for their innovative sound, started by Arkami, Eventual and Dxmsa.

The word "Lantyc" means "the light that shines from the moon".
Person 1: That beat is crazy! Who made it?
Person 2: It's made by Lantyc.
by Arkami July 7, 2023
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