2 definitions by Ariel helwani

A mythical cryptid creature depicted in traditional German folklore.Described by Lutherian monks as “extremely grotesque in figure with rodent and goblin like qualities”. The tiddle is known to roam the pine woods of Germany and has been spotted on multiple occasions, the most notable case in 1925 when it was supposedly shot dead by a German farmer (ended up being a hoax in order to gain money during the German Great Depression). The tiddle is said to have lured children by small German villages by enchanting them with asweet German dessert known as Karamellscheibe. In 1895 there was a strange and mysterious case of a young 8 year old girl vanishing and never being seen again, with reports of a squealing like disturbance in the local forest. The mystery of the tiddle is a strange tale with its last known sighting being in a swampy lowland near dusseldorf in July 2018 by French hikers who claim the squealing\screeching sound was uniquely profound and caused their ear drums to rupture
Cologne folklore song from the 1600s: tiddle tiddle versteck deine Kinder im Wald versteck deine Kinder im Sumpf!
by Ariel helwani February 4, 2020
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A suburb in south east Sydney known for being a psych ward in which every second cunt is a spinner - the suburb is also nicknamed “spinnerwick” and “crackheadville”. It’s postcode is 2031 excluding the pooftas in clovelly who for some retarded reason share the postcode with rando. also Ivan milat was born there
Adlay A:I’ve been trapping in the Alison private lodge, Randwick
by Ariel helwani February 4, 2020
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