2 definitions by AriaChastain-HogEx

iZimmbiPlays is female streamer on Twitch who doesn’t use her body to get views. Her primary focus is new content and end game content in World of Warcraft with a core focus on raids and mythic + dungeons. She mains a Beast Mastery Hunter and a Holy Priest.

Additionally, iZimmbiPlays is a graphic designer who creates Twitch overlays, panels, emotes, and badges for members of the Twitch Community.
iZimmbiPlays is a mother of five, a gamer, graphic and website designer, as well as a streamer on Twitch.
by AriaChastain-HogEx March 24, 2022
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Love-dumb refers to a person who is exceptionally intelligent in all aspects of their life except when it comes to love. When they’re in love, all logic and intelligence goes out the window when it comes to their person. They put up with things that most intelligent people would not put up with from their significant other (i.e., cheating, lying, manipulating, arguing, keeping secrets, violence, etc.)

A person who is love-dumb loves with their whole heart and doesn’t use their head at all as a means of protecting them from being hurt over and over again by their significant other.
When it came to Corey, she was Love-dumb; he could cheat on her but she’d love him and stay with him anyway.
by AriaChastain-HogEx March 24, 2022
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