2 definitions by Apple Clis

(1) An elitist assholean method for signing email
(2) An email signature indicative of a laziness too pervasive to finish what one started (by simply adding the word 'regards' followed by a comma)
(3) The electronic sign off of any over zealous, ass kissing up-and-comer in academia (probably an intern or TA) who emails his professors a final draft before it is due
(1) Dear Mildred, I found the gumming you gave me last night at the yacht club to be sub-par. Therefore, I shall no longer be skipping the dessert course of upcoming functions in order to engage in necking, heavy petting or any other similar activities in the custodian's broom closet. Best, Charles.
(2) Bro, swt prty lst ngt. Thnk I lft my shrt at yr plce. Best, Todd (a clear douchebag frat party boy's name, right?
(3) Dear Dr. Failedwritingcareer, Please find attached my analysis of vowel sounds in the works of Alexander Pope. Best, Herb.
by Apple Clis March 13, 2013
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(1) Slang for "asshole."
(2) For those into literary allusions, slang for "asshole."
(3) Southern colloquialism for "asshole."
I was having a hard time getting there, but then I touched her Boo Radley's Hidey Hole, and I was done.
by Apple Clis August 18, 2019
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