164 definitions by Anthony

When your face looks like a duck and monkey fucked each other and you were the product.
Man1: Hey look at Jaber, he's laying mack down.

Man2: Holy shit! He's mackin' on a duckmonkey.
by Anthony March 14, 2004
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A satanic peice of machinerey that can move people to and from any point in the space time continueum... or the grand canyon...
by Anthony May 13, 2003
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1. A theoretical mechanical device which cannot exist in the 3rd dimension.

2. Actually it's a major typo I discovered in a warning label for a mouse trap; it said:

WARNING; Keep fingers away from bcitedend when setting the trap
That's a very dangerous bcitedend.

Keep fingers away from bcitedend when setting the trap
by Anthony May 1, 2004
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