2 definitions by Anonymous/I shall not tell you

Elena is someone who usually always gets taken advantage of because of her kindness. Everyone thinks she is just a shy small-town girl who is quirky but in real life... she is my idol. Her kindness is beyond my level and blows my mind. She always wears her hair down but when she does something different, everyone turns their head and goes, "Omg, is that Elena?!". Elena is also super good at tennis and loves crafts. She is so underrated and needs to be shown appreciation. Elena rules! - This is not written by Elena, but by someone in her school which shall be named Anonymous/I shall not tell you. Goodbye fellow fellas and I hope you learned something new today that Elenas are kind and have 2 be appreciated.
"Elena, get me some food dear!"
"Of course, I will do anything for my friends because I am so nice!"
by Anonymous/I shall not tell you February 17, 2022
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Levana is the best friend Maddie, Clem, Elena, Sibo, Isabella, and Taylor could ever have. All the guys that’s start with the letters S, M, L. And W want to be friends with her cause she is the best.
Omg, have you heard about the new girl Levana, she seems totally rad
by Anonymous/I shall not tell you January 17, 2022
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