100 definitions by AnonDoxy

A country that leases nuclear warheads to other countries as this situation is very financially beneficial to the nuke pusher and it also enables the nuke pusher to exert influence on nuke junkies, essentially blackmailing them into doing things for the nuke pusher, such as by helping the nuke pusher to invade other countries; Nuke junkies will comply for fear of being charged a higher price for nuclear warheads or worse being denied a future lease of nuclear warheads with the nuke pusher.
The US Government is a Nuke Pusher.
by AnonDoxy July 9, 2018
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A country that takes nuclear warheads on lease from a nuke pusher.
The United Kingdom is a nuke junkie and is supplied nuclear warheads from a nuke pusher called USA.
by AnonDoxy July 9, 2018
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They're hated because of their jewplicity.
by AnonDoxy November 14, 2018
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When an epileptic jew falls to the ground and starts fitting.
He had an ouchfitz.
by AnonDoxy December 22, 2018
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A manipulative guy on twitter that will on a daily basis fave most if not every tweet a hot women does in an attempt to win her affection.
This behaviour is a form of adult grooming.
Mark is a FlirtFag
by AnonDoxy July 13, 2018
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People whom think that only the truth ends up on wiki pages.
Once a twitipedia becomes a contributor to wiki then they find out the shocking truth, that wiki is full of alternative facts.
by AnonDoxy October 3, 2018
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