1 definition by AnnArbor4life

The (smoker) mooch.

- "That guy/girl" who is mildly addicted to cigarettes but hangs out with other smokers enough that he/she never buys a pack of his/her own while successfully and consistently bumming one (successful until the fine line is reached).

- The pothead who never buys a sack of his/her own (out of pure frugality) because his/her friends are all happy-go-lucky potheads who don't give a damn about sharing so he/she constantly gets high for free (almost always successful).

Unless the friend/friends are altruistically generous, it is only a matter of time until the friend/friends snap(s) and cusses the smooch out for being a frugal jew.

(Note: the smooch is never successful when the smoking material is either meth, crack, or heroin).
"Yo buddy can I bum a smoke?"

*two days later*

"Hey man can I get another cig? Or two? Or three?"
"Dude. It's like six dollars a pack you fucking smooch."

"Uh guys; since I don't have any chronic of my own..."
"Surreee man, we'll smoke you down! We're real chill about that kind of stuff. I mean, life is about giving and loving, you know?"
by AnnArbor4life September 16, 2009
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