7 definitions by Andy Le Brocq/Xander Flatt

Accumagation accumagate meaning any christmas related coincidence.
You happen to know a monkey called bobo with a mild interest in piracy and receive a pirate book with a monkey called bobo in it for christmas.
by Andy Le Brocq/Xander Flatt February 17, 2005
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When an individual, while under the influence of alcohol, stumbles over his or her words and accidently invents a new one, they have accumagated.
Whilst trying to say "communicate" you accidently say "accumagate"
by Andy Le Brocq/Xander Flatt March 18, 2004
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Accumagation accumagate meaning a meal that is half nourishment, half punishment.
Eating an entire Burger King Family Bundle and feeling really ill but no longer hungry.
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Accumagation accumagate meaning a situation which presents both a chance and an opportunity
When someone has a decent shot at clearing a pool table someone migyht say "It's a decent opporchancity!"
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Accumagation accumagate meaning anything which could be considered an inconveniance, hinderance or obstacle.
Being stuck in a traffic jam when you're on your way to a conference you've been invited to because you have developed a way of preventing traffic jams.
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Accumagation accumagate meaning a sandwich that is so good, it's orgasmic.
"Wow, that was a good sandwich, i reckon it was nearly a sorgasmich!"
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