566 definitions by Andrew

Based on the express "keeping it on the down low," the term "downlowing" refers to a casual, and at the same time, secret, homosexual relationship, typically between black or latino men in small social gatherings - such as card games. Many of the men who participate in "downlowing" do not consider themselves gay, and many even have families.
Felix invited me to play dominoes with him and the boys this weekend, but I was told there's a lot of downlowing going on at those games, so I declined.
by Andrew August 20, 2004
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sure is a word described as certian, or positive
if somebody askes you if your hungry, and you are, say "sure" and if they ask is that a yes or a no, say "you fucking dumbass its means yes so dont fucking ever ask me what it means again.....bitch!!"
by Andrew March 2, 2005
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it swings large objects and throws them enormous distances
they used a trebuchet in "last castle" and "return of the king"
by Andrew December 24, 2004
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surfboard longer than 8 feet. Able to ride smaller waves and get in more surfing.
Look at those shortboarders sitting on the sand! Glad i have a longboard.
by Andrew March 4, 2004
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I can't believe Young just said 'pissa' again.
by Andrew September 7, 2004
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A little ball and two penisis but a boy friend(duh-duh-dum)
Brandon Waser doens't have two penisis he just thinks he does reallyhe dont have 1
by Andrew April 11, 2003
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