1 definition by Andrew Camerson

This dictionary was created as a resource for people who wanted to learn the latest slang terms. Lately, it has been used to degrate the mental well-being of many different individuals. This is not what this was created for. By using it in that sense, this site has lost whatever dignity it had to begin and has damaged feelings of people who did not even realize they were being made fun of behind their backs, and for the entire world to see. For all the people who have "cracked" on other people, or completley decimated the character of another person I ask you: What have you accomplished? Do you feel good when you make others feel bad? Do you think that people will like you more if you hurt someone else intentionally? All you have done by tarnishing the image of someone else virtually is destroy your own image in real life.
Cruel People may never learn from their mistakes....
by Andrew Camerson February 12, 2003
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